In Aínda sen título. Carta Blanca [#3] to Narelle Jubelin we enter a space or as Elena Asins would say we enter a 'habitat' where dissonances, works, intimate relationships, ingrained values and beliefs cohabit; and we consider how the gallery shapes the lived experience. Through the summer of 2024, we merge experimental, contemporary and historical works in dialogue.
This exhibition will be accompanied by a conversation in the gallery space, during the month of June, where we will consider what the works have to say to each other.
Elena Asins (Madrid, 1940 - Navarra, 2015). Untitled, 1978. Print
Narelle Jubelin (Sydney, 1960). So far untitled (El Camino Inglés), 2024. Ground
Anna Turbau (Barcelona, 1949). Untitled, 1977-78. Contact sheets, Archive
Subtitles or bullet points: like the pretitle, they are not essential textual elements but they can help to make an impact and summarize in very few lines (max. 3 bullet points) the core of the whole press release.
-citing reference(s) -about resistance(s) -about 'transmission paths'.
Other readings:
-What I don't want to be explained! Elena Asins: space and cities. Capi Corrales Rodrigáñez. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 2020, Documents 2, Trama Editorial SL. ISBN 978-84-8081-669-4
-Anna Turbau: Galicia, 1975-1979 [Legacy of Anna Turbau to the Consello da Cultura Galega] Editor and coordinator, Natalia Poncela López; texts, Emilio Grandío, Margarita Ledo Andión, Rebeca Pardo, Natalia Poncela López, Cristina Zelich; translations, Cristina Río López, Gary Smith. ISBN 978-84-92923-86-1
-Narelle Jubelin. Nalgures [Catalogue of the exhibition 03.06.22/ 16.10.22, CGAC] Editor and coordinators, Elena Expósito, Natalia Poncela. Consellería de Cultura, Educación, Formación Profesional e Universidades, Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, 2024. ISBN 978-84-453-5473-5
Our thanks to the Consello da Cultura Galega, where Anna Turbau's photographic legacy is deposited, and to the Fundació Photographic Social Vision for their collaboration. And of course, especially to Anna Turbau for her participation and generosity in this Carta Blanca [#3].