
News/Gallery Artists exhibitions/ Holidays

During this month of July Tamara Arroyo’s exhibition continues in Nordés

The artist has recently received the 2019 Acquisition Award from the University of Nebrija in recognition of her artistic creation, passing the prize-winning work to be part of the Nebrija Collection of Contemporary Art

In August we closed for vacations, but we will be available for urgent cases by appointment (you know, basically to satisfy your uncontrollable desire to buy art)

We will return in September charged with energy +

We wish you a happy summer!


Pablo Barreiro

Selected in XI Auditorio de Galicia para Novos Artistas Prize. Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Until 13 October

Julia Huete

Processi 146

Final group exhibition of creators and researches residents in the Real Academia de España in Rome 2018-2019. Rome, Italy

Curated by Jesús Donaire


Acquisition Award in VII International Art Prize Fundación María José Jove. A Coruña, Spain


I Prize in XI Auditorio de Galicia para Novos Artistas Award. Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Until 13 October

Narelle Jubelin

The housing question. Helen Grace and Narelle Jubelin's collaboration (Sound by Sherre DeLys)

Curated by Julie Ewington

Penrith Regional Gallery. Emu Plains, North South Wales. Australia

Until 25 August


Narelle Jubelin

The Commercial Gallery. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

20/07/19 - 17/08/19

Miguel Marina

La radice del domani

Curated by Jesús Donaire

Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Madrid, Spain

Until 14 July


Durante la construcción de la muralla china

Group show curated by Ángel Calvo

Luis Adelantado Gallery. Valencia, Spain

Until 26 July


Generaciones 2020 Prize. Fundación Montemadrid, Madrid, Spain


BilbaoArte 2019 Grant. Fundación BilbaoArte Fundazioa, Bilbao, Spain

Luisa Pastor

V Residency Plus of Creation and Artístic Research MUA 2019. University of Alicante, Spain


Andrea V Wright

PLOP Residency 2019. London, UK (with the support of Portobello Group)

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