Luisa Pastor and Juan Cantizzani, winners of the residency organised by the C3A, Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, of the Consejería de Turismo, Cultura y Deporte, and the DKV insurance company
Luisa Pastor + Juan Cantizzani
Eutropia. Tectonic Voices
C3Andalucia, Artists' studios n.2, Córdoba.
Opening: 16/05/2023- 11/06/2023
Eutropia. Tectonic Voices by Luisa Pastor (Alicante, 1977) and Juan Cantizzani (Lucena, Córdoba, 1978), is the winning project of the residency grant awarded by the C3A Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, of the Consejería de Turismo, Cultura y Deporte, and the insurance company DKV.
This project was born with the aim of reflecting on the city and the chaos that surrounds it. The result is a sculptural-installational work under the same common theme: the city in constant change understood as translation, in the etymological sense of the word, that is to say, "moving from one place to another". The city converted into an abstract presence, in a place that gives itself to the spectator as a timeless city, allowing almost imperceptible physical aspects of its elements, levels, degrees of movement, etc. to be revealed, and which find correspondence between the visual and sound domains, enabling multiple readings and reflections on the globalisation of the metropolis in the contemporary world.
Thus, through this residency, Juan Cantizzani and Luisa Pastor have had the opportunity to bring together the visual arts and new technologies in Eutropia. Tectonic Voices.
Juan Cantizzani (Córdoba, 1978)
Degree in Humanities-ArtScience Interfaculty, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, The Netherlands 2008-2012.
Founder of the collective Weekend Proms, developing and dynamizing since then initiatives such as: Sensxperiment, Adalucía_Soundscape, MASE, Lucena Radio Ciudadana, Educación y Escucha activa or Cocina Aural.
In his artistic practice, Juan Cantizzani tries to activate and implement various interventions or specific actions that operate through the inclusion in public space or other contexts of multiple interruptions, variations or alterations of common situations to create other spaces or possible starting points. Most of the time subtle, almost imperceptible to the naked eye/hearing but which, living together with the existing ones, end up altering our perception, generating other perspectives on social and spatial qualities, their limits, exchanges, forces, dynamics, conflicts or meanings.
He has developed several workshops and pedagogical sessions as guest professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Pontevedra, Faculty of Jaén within the Master in Research in Arts, Music and Aesthetic Education, Faculty of Social Work of the University of Granada, School-International Music Festival Presjovem as well as in several educational centres of Primary, Secondary and Artistic Education.
He has exhibited and participated in various programmes and spaces such as Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid), Errant Sound (Berlin), Red Rouse Club (London), Hangar (Barcelona), C3A (Córdoba), West Hill Hall (Brighton), Tabacalera Madrid, Studio Loos (Netherlands), HS63 (Brussels), Embarrat (Lleida) and CentroCentro Cibeles (Madrid) with projects such as "Eutropia. Tectonic Voices" In collaboration with Luisa Pastor. C3A and DKV grant. Centre for Contemporary Creation of Andalusia. Córdoba (202); "Looking back - Rita Rutkowski". Design, editing and sound creation. Documentary feature film directed by Isidro Sánchez with the collaboration of Córdoba Ciudad de las Ideas. Polo Creativo (2022); "Jondo, sonidos maquínicos". Centro de Arte Rafael Botí, Córdoba / Dilalica (2022); "Cocina Aural". Short documentary. Editing, mixing and sound design. Script and direction by Isidro Sanchez (2022); "Ambivalencias - ARTE CONTRA EL DESCONCIERTO". Centro de Arte Rafael Botí (2022); "Exhibition Audiosfera. Social experimental audio, pre- and post-Internet". Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid (2020), or "Sounding Site [Tabacalera]". Sotano Sur C.S.A La Tabacalera de Lavapiés, Madrid (2010).
Luisa Pastor (Alicante, 1977)
Graduate in Fine Arts from the University of Granada (2001).
Doctorate courses at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Granada. University of Granada (2001-2003).
PhD in Fine Arts, Miguel Hernández University. Alicante (2016).
Diploma in photography. Gymnastics of Art and Culture. Mexico City (2016-2017).
Her artistic work, against the organicity of the traditional work, recovers the poetic and political capacity of the fragment. Thanks to a critical questioning of the denotative force of language, the artist demonstrates, through a complex process of assembling the pages of different old account books, the internal limits of the game of representation, constructing fictional universes with humour and irony, working them with precision and meticulousness and deconstructing in a poetic and conceptual way the economic logic imposed by the Royal Decree of the General Accounting Plan, by breaking, dislocating, disordering or cutting the order of the hegemonic discourse through a heterogeneous superposition of these fragments.
She has received several grants and aid, including the Mexican Government's Special Programmes Excellence Grant (SRE/AMEXCID) for "Artistic Creation Stays". Mexico City (2015-2016); Art Production Grant. Antonio Miró Chair of Contemporary Art. University of Alicante and Santander Foundation. Alicante (2017); and the UNAM. Programa de Becas Posdoctorales en la UNAM Becaria del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, advised by Dr. Cuauhtémoc Medina. Mexico City (2018), as well as several awards such as the Salón ACME no 4. Mexico City (2015); International Painting Prize Focus. Fundación de Cultura, Seville (2016); Bodega ACME. Mexico City (2017); and the BilbaoArte Fundación Award (Production Aid), Bilbao (2020).
In 2020, she was the artist selected to represent Spain in the biennial "Paper Routes - Women to Watch 2020" at the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington D.C.
Among her latest solo exhibitions, it would necessary to highlight some solo exhibitions such as: Debe/Haber/Saldo. Nordés Gallery. Santiago de Compostela (2018); Cuerpos de fábrica. Sala El Cub del MUA, Alicante (2019); Escrituras ilegibles. Nordés Gallery. Santiago de Compostela (2021); Tota la solidesa s'esvaeix en l'aire, IVAM-Cada, Alcoi (2023) and other group exhibitions such as Sons improbábeis, curated by Iñaki Martínez Antelo. Auditorio de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela (2022); TRAZOS. Archives of Memory. Juana Francés Hall, University of Alicante (2022); Acquisitions of works of art for the municipal collection, Alicante City Council 2021. Sala Explanada, Lonja de Pescado, Alicante (2022); Paper Routes 2020. National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington (2020); Bodega ACME. Mexico City (2017); Focus-Abengoa International Painting Prize. Seville (2016); V Mardel Painting Competition. Centro del Carmen. Valencia (2016); Embarrat. La Gran Máquina III'. J. Trepat Museum. Tàrrega (2016); ACME Exhibition. Colonia San Miguel Chapultepec. Mexico City (2016); Arte Cisoria, Palazzo Regio de Cagliari, Sardinia (2015); Des de Dins. Museum of the University of Alicante (2014); Quién hablará de nosotras cuando hayamos muerto. Isabel Hurley Gallery, Malaga (2013); La herencia construida. Espacio Líquido Gallery, Gijón (2010); La mirada perversa. Aural Gallery, Alicante (2005); De papel. May Moré Gallery, Madrid (2006); o Cariño seguro que tú sabes hacer algo. Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid (2006).
Her work has also been present at national and international fairs such as ARTBO (2022), ARCO Madrid (2021-2023), ESTAMPA (2021) and JustLX-Lisbon (2018), and can be found in collections such as Colección de Arte Contemporáneo de la Generalitat Valenciana, Diputación de Badajoz; Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil Albert, Alicante; Diputación de Alicante; Museo Salvador de Victoria. Teruel; Diputación de Málaga; Ayuntamiento de Aspe, Alicante; Facultad de BBAA de Granada; Ayuntamiento de Lucena, Córdoba; Universidad de Alicante; Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche, Alicante; Colección MICA, Vigo; Fundación Otazu, Navarra and in private collections in Spain, Germany and Mexico.
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